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  • Lifts
    • Passenger lifts
      • Overview

        As a leading lift company, we've engineered our passenger lifts for various building applications, including residential, commercial and public transit.

      • Schindler 3000

        Our flexible solution that unifies form and function. An all-around passenger lift applicable to various building types and use cases.

      • Schindler 5000 / Schindler 5000MR

        The Schindler 5000 / Schindler 5000MR is our lift for mid-rise residential and commercial buildings that features striking interiors, flexible sizes, and effective performance options.

      • Schindler 6000

        The Schindler 6000 is our premium commercial lift that combines the latest technology, high-end finishes, larger capacities and custom designs.

      • Schindler 7000

        Meet the Schindler 7000, our passenger lift for high-rise buildings that exceeds the demanding specifications for tall structures.

      • Schindler Villa Lift

        The Schindler Villa Lift brings a new level of luxury to your family home. With stylish and contemporary design options, it offers unique comfort and opulence.

    • Freight & special lifts
      • Overview

        Berca Schindler Lifts provides appropriate solutions for freight, goods & special requirements with various types of bed, glass, panoramic & service lifts.

      • Schindler 2600

        Discover the Schindler 2600 freight lift for warehouses, shopping centers or industrial facilities. It makes lifting heavy loads a lightweight task.

    • Modernization & upgrades
      • Overview

        Explore our comprehensive lift modernization and building renovation solutions; engineered to enhance your lift's performance and aesthetics.

      • ReStore solution

        Restore your lift with our modernization solution which replaces critical electrical components to upgrade the efficiency and performance of your equipment.

      • ReNew solution

        Renew your lift with our modernization solution including a new controller, inverter, fixtures, and machine upgrade to ensure a smoother ride experience.

      • RePlace solution

        Replace your existing lift with our modernization replacement solutions. Enjoy improved equipment operation, plus digitally enhanced mobility.

      • Individual components

        Upgrade individual lift components like drives and cabin doors to reduce operating costs, satisfy tenants and increase your long-term property value.

    • Destination control
      • PORT lift

        PORT Technology provides passengers with the lowest possible times to their destinations with the best possible comfort.

    • Building Transit Solutions
      • Overview

        An innovative solution also known as the Building Transit Integrator (BuilT-In) that streamlines operation and information flows across multiple applications, from facial recognition to security access system and robot services

      • BuilT-In Facial Recognition

        By integrating Schindler Transit Management System with facial recognition, BuilT-In brings about a whole new level of convenience.

      • BuilT-In QR

        BuilT-In QR PORT Access is a proprietary Schindler solution that includes the ‘BuilT-In QR’ mobile app, PORT terminals, QR readers and BuilT-In Visitor Management System.

      • BuilT-In Robot Service Connection

        With BuilT-In integration robots can easily navigate busy building environments, place lift calls to their destination floors, and request lift status information.

      • BuilT-In Landing Destination Indicator

        Advertisements and infotainments are slowly slotting in every corner of the building, no matter on a TV, touch-screen device, lift door etc.

      • BuilT-In API

        The agile, powerful API enables building management to effectively analyse data and handle daily operations, from biometric access control to robotics applications and real-time passenger tracking.

    • Digital Media Services
      • Overview

        Our digital media services make it possible to turn your lifts into communication platforms. New possibilities to advertise, inform and entertain.

      • Schindler Ahead MediaScreen

        This in-car media solution for lifts provides relevant information to your passengers in real-time, with minimal effort and maximum attention.

      • Schindler Ahead SmartMirror

        Our new in-lift multimedia experience will change the way passengers enjoy their lift ride.

      • Schindler Ahead AdScreen

        We created the Schindler Ahead AdScreen to maximize your advertising effect with every lift trip.

    • CleanMobility
      • Overview

        Explore our solutions that help keep lifts sanitary and safe.

      • ElevateMe

        Our new Schindler ElevateMe mobile application gives lift passengers the control to interact with lifts using their smartphones.

      • UV CleanCar

        Our Schindler UV CleanCar uses UV-C ultraviolet light to destroy bacteria and viruses in lifts reducing the risk transmission between passengers.

      • UV CleanAir

        With Schindler UV CleanAir, the air in lift cabins is sanitized and cycled more frequently and efficiently.

      • kNOw Touch

        kNOw Touch easily replaces conventional touch-based buttons with a sensor interface that requires no physical contact to activate.

      • CleanCall

        Our Schindler CleanCall lets passengers select their destination with a simple wave of the hand.

      • CleanCover

        Schindler CleanCover is an antibacterial protective film that covers lift cabin surfaces that are often touched by passengers, such as the buttons, panels, and walls.

      • CleanSpace

        With Schindler CleanSpace, you can adjust the maximum load capacity in lifts to keep cars from becoming overcrowded.

      • PORT Technology & myPORT

        Visitors navigate their way through buildings equipped with Schindler PORT and myPORT using only their phone or personal access card.

    • Design options
      • Linea 800 SmartTouch

        The Linea 800 SmartTouch features three full HD screens, and the stylish, mirrored glass panel transforms user-lift interaction into a unique, visual experience.

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  • Escalators & Moving walks
    • Escalators
      • Schindler 9300

        Enhanced safety features, energy efficiency, and space savings, the Schindler 9300 escalator defines state-of-the-art for moving people in commercial & public spaces.

      • Schindler 9700

        The Schindler 9700 escalator is the ideal mobility solution for large public spaces with high-traffic demands, like airports and train stations.

    • Moving walks
      • Schindler 9500AE inclined

        Developed with shopping malls in mind, the Schindler 9500AE inclined moving walk provides quiet and comfortable transportation from floor to floor.

      • Schindler 9500 horizontal

        Explore the Schindler 9500 horizontal moving walk, the ideal solution for public transportation.

    • Modernization
      • Overview

        Our professional and highly experienced technicians can modernize your escalators and moving walks from simply installing updated components to performing a full replacement.

      • Full replacement

        Upgrade your property by replacing your older equipment with new, cutting-edge Schindler 9300 or Schindler 9700 escalators or with Schindler 9500 moving walks.

      • InTruss

        The existing escalator/moving walk is extracted, keeping its truss in place. A new Schindler escalator or moving walk is assembled inside the existing truss.

      • Modernization kits

        Schindler offers modernization solutions in all areas: safety, energy consumption, and appearance, all designed to bring your escalators and moving walks up-to-date, quickly and easily.

    • CleanMobility
      • Overview

        At Schindler, we’re continuously developing solutions to help keep escalators and moving walks sanitary and safe.

      • Ultra UV & UV Pro

        Schindler Ultra UV and Ultra UV Pro help to keep handrails clean and reduce bacteria and viruses with an innovative and effective UV-C light system.

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  • Services
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  • Careers
    • Overview
    • Who we are
      • Overview

        Schindler’s mission is to keep the urban world moving.

      • Our values

        Our values are the foundation of everything we do, and allow us to remain a leading global player in the lift and escalator industry.

      • Inclusion and diversity

        Our global presence gives us access to the full spectrum of human diversity – reinforcing our ability to adapt and innovate.

    • Why Schindler
    • Work and grow at Schindler
      • Compensation and benefits

        Discover more about Schindler employee compensation packages and benefits – and why competitive salaries are just the start.

      • Professional development

        The key to maintaining our proud legacy of Swiss precision engineering, attention to detail, and quality is making sure that all our people – at every level – are trained and ready.

      • Leadership growth

        We strongly believe in fostering a corporate culture of continuous development and providing a platform where our employees can grow.

      • Career development

        We prioritize career development, offering tailored paths for growth and advancement. Explore diverse roles, acquire new skills, and seize opportunities for progression within our global organization.

      • International careers

        International assignments are a key part of how we develop our people. Grow your career internationally with Schindler.

      • Work-Life balance

        Finding the right balance between work and life can be tough. We make it easier through flexible modern policies designed to meet diverse needs.

    • Who we look for
      • Students and graduates

        Explore the extensive possibilities for students and recent graduates at Schindler.

      • Experienced professionals

        Explore our open opportunities across various business functions, from engineering, IT, sales, and marketing, to communications, finance, quality management and HR, and embark on a thriving career with us.​

    • Open positions
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  • Segments
  • References
  • Innovations
  • News and media relations
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  • About us
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Mengatasi tantangan utama dalam mendesain elevator

Jika Anda sudah pernah merencanakan beberapa sistem elevator dalam proyek – proyek sebelumnya, sangat mudah untuk mengira bahwa Anda telah melihat dan mengetahui semuanya. Tetapi, setiap proyek desain elevator selalu memiliki tantangan unik. Pastikan Anda sudah siap.

Seperti yang dapat Anda bayangkan, membuat orang naik dan turun dalam struktur monumental seperti itu pasti menjadi perhatian utama arsitek. Bagaimana Anda akan memulai dengan proyek seperti itu?

Prinsip pertama, apakah Anda sedang mengerjakan proyek apartemen kecil atau gedung pencakar langit yang menjulang tinggi, adalah dengan melihat setiap denah elevator dengan sudut pandang baru. Berikut adalah beberapa tantangan utama yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat Anda harus menambahkan lift ke desain Anda di waktu yang akan datang.

Temukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan

Kasus khusus yang membutuhkan rekayasa awal dengan banyak perencanaan. Menurut Anda, seberapa detail penjelasan awal dari klien tentang kebutuhan elevator? Tidak banyak.

Terlepas dari ukuran proyek, kebutuhan informasi Anda dalam mendesain akan tergantung dari cara Anda mengajukan pertanyaan yang tepat dan saran – saran yang diberikan kepada klien. Dari mana Anda mendapatkan informasi yang Anda butuhkan? Jawaban yang jelas adalah dari rekan kerja, penelitian online, dan pengalaman masa lalu. Dua yang pertama memakan waktu dan yang ketiga, dengan sendirinya, membuat Anda berisiko tidak teliti. Untungnya, sekarang ada opsi keempat (Nanti akan kita bahas lebih lanjut).

Menghindari penundaan/ keterlambatan

Mendesain gedung baru itu rumit dan ada banyak kemungkinan penundaan. Jika Anda tidak memberikan pertimbangan yang tepat untuk lift komersial atau perumahan, Anda dapat menambah daftar masalah Anda. Luangkan lebih banyak waktu untuk mendapatkan desain dengan benar sejak awal dan hemat waktu Anda yang berharga dalam pengerjaan proyek.

Jangan lupa, banyak hal pasti akan berubah. Pernahkah Anda mendengar cerita tentang klien yang memutuskan, di tengah konstruksi, untuk memasang gedung konser di atas lantai dasar? Hanya dengan permintaan seperti itu, sistem elevator yang ada sudah tidak sesuai lagi untuk tujuan tersebut.Sistem elevator harus benar-benar didesain ulang untuk memasukkan elevator yang cukup besar untuk memindahkan sebuah grand piano.

Memilih interior elevator yang tepat

Di beberapa gedung, elevator berfungsi murni hanya sebagai elevator. Di gedung lain, desain interior elevator adalah fitur yang ditonjolkan. Untuk proyek premium, satu-satunya batasan adalah imajinasi Anda (dan tentu saja tujuan serta anggaran yang tersedia). Anda bahkan bisa memilih sebuah layar yang memenuhi seluruh dinding elevator Anda; juga lantai kaca.

Tampilan apa pun yang Anda pilih, harus sesuai dengan penggunaan bangunan. Pemilik hotel mewah ingin agar lift penumpangnya nyaman dan bergaya. Di pusat ritel yang sibuk, perhatian utamanya kemungkinan besar adalah daya tahan dan ukuran. Jika Anda menginginkan gaya hi-tech, Anda bisa mempertimbangkan smart mirrors atau sistem hiburan di dalam elevator. Di era digital saat ini, Anda bisa menggunakan digital media services untuk memfungsikan elevator dan eskalator menjadi platform komunikasi. Sekarang Anda punya cara baru untuk memberikan informasi, menghibur, dan berkomunikasi dengan tamu, penyewa, dan pelanggan dengan menggunakan elevator & eskalator.

Hemat waktu dan menyenangkan klien Anda

Mempertimbangkan semua hal di atas bisa sangat melelahkan. Terutama karena desain elevator dapat dianggap sebagai bagian yang kurang menarik dari sebuah proyek bangunan. Tapi sekarang ada cara yang lebih baik untuk mendesain elevator. (Ingat 'opsi keempat' yang kami sebutkan di atas?)

Schindler Plan & Design adalah alat perencanaan online gratis yang memudahkan konfigurasi dan desain elevator atau eskalator Anda dalam hitungan menit. Alat ini memandu Anda melalui langkah demi langkah yang mencakup setiap aspek desain elevator, termasuk:

  • Tinggi / jarak perjalanan
  • Kecepatan
  • Kapasitas
  • Pilihan tipe pintu elevator
  • Kebutuhan Power supply
  • Penyempurnaan dan kelengkapan akhir
  • Ketentuan seismik

Dengan menggunakan informasi yang Anda berikan, Schindler Plan & Design memberikan saran tentang jumlah elevator yang Anda butuhkan dan model yang sesuai dengan bangunan Anda. Kami memperbarui Schindler Plan & Design secara rutin dengan peraturan terbaru, jadi baik sistem yang Anda rancang memiliki tinggi dua lantai atau 20, Anda dapat mengantisipasinya.

Ingin mempelajari desain elevator lebih lanjut?

Kami tahu banyak hal yang harus dimonitor dalam mendesain elevator. Untuk membantu, kami membuat situs dengan banyak informasi yang akan mempersiapkan Anda untuk proyek elevator atau eskalator berikutnya.

Atau jika Anda ingin menguji ide-ide Anda, kunjungi Schindler Plan & Design Tool dan mulai mendesain!